little honey baby had to have his spleen and the naval orange sized mass on it removed two weeks ago. today we got the news that that big ole mass was just a big ass benign growth and our little donkey is a CANCER FREE BABY BIRD! FUCK YEAH, PIGGY! I FUCKING LOVE MY DOGGGGGGGG!!!!!
Keith Nelson // Lloyd Dobler
they just don't make boys like they did in the 80s
Hitched On The Hudson
Hannah & Seth's Wedding. You guys ever been in a Nancy Meyer's movie??
Palm Trees - I just flippin' love 'em
May the Fourth
Vader stan.
Ben & Casey

New Orleans
I became BFFs with a 7 year old in Louisiana. We didn't speak the same language, but we both like shooting webs out our wrists and playing on my phone. He took the first photo of me at lunch and I love it and I love him. It was a heavy ass week spent with children, young adults, refugees and at risk homeless facing severe poverty issues (and countless others) in New Orleans. We were lucky enough to partner with the charities and advocates working hard to help them. It was emotional AF and their stories will haunt me for a lifetime. We should be better to each other. To the earth. To every living thing.
Handbag's Bridal Shower
Three men and a little lady planned this. (john's the little lady)
St. Marteen // St. Martin
i got nirovirus - in tropical locations - two times - in one calendar year. there are still some beach photos i can't look at without closing my mouth and clenching my butt.
Viñales, Cuba
a puppy stole my heart here.
It's my best friend's birthday!
happy birthday honey, baby, mary berry, prince peggy, piggy, pigtree, hanky, henry, donkey boy!
Illegitimi non carborundum, bitches
on brand
Christmas Eve '16
Donia & Dave's
Live from the photo pit
#TBT my time at Fuse.
Under The Tuscan Fun
"them wedding photos made me feel like i was lookin at an Italian Vogue spread" - my friend's mom. photographs by alessandro griccioli.
What's that you say, world? Lapel pins with our faces on them would really make our wedding special?? Don't worry fam, we got you. (Mad props to my boy @benarmson for the radical illustration and @valleycruisepress for bringing it to life)
St. John's, Newfoundland
At 5am we went to the Eastern most point in North America - took some photos (mostly selfies) - then i went back to bed. We were also introduced to the beach boil up. what a magical fucking concept - AND PLACE!
Just Kids
Jersey City - 4R - 1000 years ago